School Staff Team Building using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

School Staff Team Building using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
Many schools are increasingly interested in raising performance through improving the way all staff work together. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator we have found is a great way to bring teams together as it highlights in a very non-judgemental way how different personalities interact in a work environment. In a team day or half day we enable participants to increase their own self-awareness and then the awareness of others in the team. Then with a number of highly participative exercises we explore how they can use their knowledge of personality to improve meetings, communication, implementation of change and teamwork. Contact us now on 07881 636538 to discuss.
A recently received testimonial: “In terms of the work you did with our staff, they all enjoyed it very much. They seemed to get a lot out of it and I can honestly say it has helped in terms of them managing the many changes the school has recently had. As a team, they seem to be more aware of each other. Long may this last? Jane, who you may remember, has infact taken up a key stage coordinators role together with responsibility for Maths. This was something we’d been trying to encourage her to do for a number of months. I don’t know if we can attribute this solely to MB but I’m certain it went a long way towards helping her make the decision.”