Myers Briggs For Recruitment?

One of the most common requests we get is from organisations wanting to use the Myers Briggs Type Indicator for recruitment and recruiting. The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a personality profiling tool that looks at preferences on four dimensions of personality. MBTI is great for developing individuals and teams because it helps raise self awareess and awareness of others – the building blocks of emotional intelligence. We provide a range of Myers Briggs based development workshops. However Myers Briggs should not be used for recruitment and recruiting. The Myers Briggs type indicator only looks at preferences, there is no measure of ability and so you do not know if you are recruiting someone with all the ‘good-day’ behaviours associated with a preference or all the ‘bad day’ behaviours. Recruitment and recruiting using the Myers Briggs Type Indicator is therefore open to legal challenge and should not be considered.
If you want to use a personality profiling tool for recruitment then we recommend Insights Discovery and we can provide this for you. Contact us now or call Colin Graves on 07881 636538.
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