The 5 Secrets to passing the Myers Briggs Test

Want to know the secret of passing the Myers-Briggs Test?
I have been administering the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator for the past ten years. I am often asked ‘how do you get the best result’ or ‘how do I ensure I pass the Myers Briggs test?’ In this post I am going to share the five secrets to answer these questions.
Secret 1. Answer quickly without too much deliberation. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is looking at your preferences across four dimensions of personality. It asks similar questions several times to get a sense of the preference. It is best to answer the questions quickly without too much deliberation as for most questions you could probably make a case, in certain situations, at certain times, for different answers but your first ‘gut’ reaction is likely to be your preference.
Secret 2. Answer for yourself. Don’t try to second guess what you think is the ‘right’ answer or what you think you ‘should’ answer or would like to answer. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is primarily used to help build your emotional intelligence through understanding yourself better first and then being able to understand others better.
Secret 3. Answer as the ‘natural you’. We are all different sometimes maybe at home or at work or with family or with friends for example. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator questionnaire should be answered as ‘the natural you’ , the underlying personality onto which behaviours are added contingent to the circumstance.
Secret 4. It is not a test! The clue to how to answer the questionnaire is in its’ title: The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. It is an indicator of personality. It provides an indication of preferences. There are no right or wrong answers. There are in fact ‘good day’ and less good day’ behaviours for all personality types. It is not a test!
Secret 5. Just do it. So, stop researching and just do it.
For more about the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator see our main site.