Latest CIPD research on trends in Talent Management

The CIPD reports annually on trends in talent management in the UK. Key themes over recent years are:
1) “Organisations are focussing more of the time engaging, motivating, retaining and fully using the skills of their existing workforce”.
2) “Uncertain times, for the most part have led to more honest and frequent communications between managers and employers”.
3.” A great emphasis is being placed on ethical leaders who are able to motivate and lead in both the bad and the good times”.
The reports suggests that to accomplish these objectives organisations are introducing new development programmes including “a greater emphasis on leadership development” and focussing on the themes of:
Change management
People and performance management
Decision making and difficult conversations
Coaching and mentoring line managers
Training managers to act as coaches to their teams.
Trust and authentic leadership
This research ties in with the requests for work that we have had recently. In response we now are able to offer a number of new workshops. For example:
Authentic leadership
Coaching skills for managers
Providing feedback with skill and empathy
Handling challenging conversations
Successful change management
What are your priorities? Give me a call on 07881 636538 to discuss how we can help or contact us via the web.