Have you considered a Myers-Briggs Team Day?

A Myers Briggs Team Day provides a practical, non-judgemental, fun way to raise self-awareness and awareness of others in a team. Have you considered a Myers Briggs Team Building Workshop to help with team development and team building?
Here is some feedback from a day I did recently:
” I have spoken to all who attended and they all enjoyed it and found it very useful.
Some comments that were made were:
“a very interesting, thought-provoking (and fun!) morning”
“he also did a good job of getting input out of the whole team”
“The tasks and visuals were also great fun and the way of introducing ourselves through these broke a lot of barriers for people”
“I’m sure we will be able to build on this and will be in touch with you later in the year regarding further team building ideas.”
See our Myers Briggs page for more information or call Colin Graves on 07881 636538.
Think about a Myers Briggs (MBTI) team day training course if you would like your team to have …
- Greater understanding of their own personal operating style and how that may affect their relationships with others and performance at work.
- Recognition of and appreciation for differences with others, thus reducing conflict and enhancing team interaction.
- Recognition of individual contributions to the team thus enhancing creativity and the problem solving ability of the team.
- Ability to see things from other perspectives, valuing diversity and so, enabling teamwork to flourish.
- A framework for better communication both internally within the team and externally leading to greater productivity.
- A framework of influencing tools to ensure the team’s message is successfully bought in to.
- Engagement.
Contact us now! See our Myers Briggs page for more information or call Colin Graves on 07881 636538.