All our Leadership and Management Development Coaching programmes are individualised but will include some of the following:
Exploration of leadership models and frameworks including contingency theory, the authentic leader and transformational and transactional leadership approaches. Use of discussion, reflection on feedback and significant incidents to bring new insights and learning. Which styles do you consistently ignore and why and how can these be developed and used in ways which feel authentic for you?
We receive consistent feedback that our coaching sessions are challenging, supportive, insightful and enjoyable. We use a diverse range of techniques and media to support your learning including psychometrics, exercises, reading and even recommending films to see leadership styles in action! For details on our coaches please see the detailed CVs on out ‘meet us’ page.
One of many testimonials that we can provide:

Gill’s coaching has significantly increased my personal impact – I’m much more self aware, delivering an impact that I control, and getting positive outcomes – for me and for others. Gill coaches with a good blend of carrot and stick; communicates with knowledge, common sense and empathy; and guides me to find my own solutions to improve my personal performance.
Adrian Griffiths, NHS .
Or perhaps you’re an experienced manager now facing a new challenge for which your current ways of leading are not working as well as they used to?
Or, perhaps you know you need to have a more varied and flexible leadership style but you want to remain authentic to who you are and wonder ‘is it possible to do both?’
Or, perhaps you just recognise that having a leadership development coach will enable you to achieve your goals faster?
Dilemmas such as these are ones we encounter on a regular basis at Iridium.