Myers Briggs for NHS Teams – Team Development

Many NHS trusts are increasingly interested in raising performance through improving the way teams within the organisation perform and work together. Many NHS Trusts use the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) as a tool for improving team effectiveness. Iridium have provide Myers-Briggs workshops, training and team days for over 20 years.
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator we have found is a great way to bring teams together as it highlights in a very non-judgemental way how different personalities interact in a work environment. We have worked with a wide range of NHS trusts including Hospital Foundation Trusts, ICBs, GPs and Ambulance services.
In a team day or half day in our NHS Myers Briggs workshops we enable participants to increase their own self-awareness and then the awareness of others in the team. Then with a number of highly participative exercises we explore how they can use their knowledge of personality and MBTI to improve meetings, communication, the implementation of change and teamwork.
Contact Colin Graves now on 07881 636538 to discuss your NHS MBTI workshop.