Three Great Reasons for Learning and Development to keep calm and carry on

3 Great reasons for L&D to keep calm and carry on.
In times of difficulty, it’s often the case that learning and development budgets are the first to be cut. However, if you are someone who leads people or teams, you’ll know that building strong workplace relationships isn’t something that can wait. And if you’re looking for ways in which to demonstrate that your L&D budget isn’t expendable, here are three great reasons to keep calm and carry on…
Events may be cancelled; learning doesn’t have to be
Since the pandemic we are offer most of our programmes face to face, hybrid and/or virtually and all with the same immediate and deep impact you have come to expect.
The best gift you can give yourself and your colleagues is time and space for learning. Now is the time to help them harness their strengths, encourage them to acknowledge and address their challenges, and put plans in place for how they will improve key relationships.
Resilient people will be your organisational superpower
Many organisations are dealing with a range of challenges, and budgets are becoming tricky to manage. But when this period of crisis is past, the strongest organisations will be those who come roaring back to life, ready to respond to the new and urgent needs of their customers. To be agile in the face of pressing demands, and resilient in the face of constantly shifting circumstances, your people will need to be self-aware enough to know when they need to pull on a strength, or be aware of their limiting beliefs.
By developing your people now, not only are you sending the message that they are worthy of investment, you’re priming them to be on top form when the economy comes back to life. If your competitors haven’t found the imagination or budget to do the same, you’ll be streets ahead in the months and years to come.
Invest in your human community for long-term benefit
Putting business needs aside for a moment – as a leader, what do you see in your people right now? A lot of anxiety, fear of the unknown, a desire to protect themselves from others, a strong urge to stay home where it feels safe? People are hunkering down, turning to quieter pursuits, and looking inside themselves to find the strength they’re going to need over the longer term.
You can help them with all of that. When people are frightened, understanding themselves better will let them know the healthiest way to respond. When others lash out at them in fear, they can become more understanding and empathetic to that. Self-aware people can be stronger for themselves, and for those around them – and we’re going to need a lot of strong people as we head into an uncertain future.
It’s a difficult thing to do when there are so many demands on your time and budget, but if you can treat your people – first and foremost – as a community of human beings no different to yourself, you can build a strong community, which can come together as one in the face of unprecedented challenge.
Talk to us now
The world has just changed – for all of us. We can help you look after those in their care while things are difficult and prepare them for the new normal. Contact us now or call Colin Graves on 07881 636538
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